

Guilt and Shame

烏瑞爾天使長透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊


田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載


越多的能量轉化朝向「我是誰」的神性 而打開我們的心



這些能量之中有些容易放下 因為我們可以從隨它而來的經驗中解套

學習不把其他人的行為當作是針對自己的 可以使背叛與失望更容易釋放掉




但是情緒中卻仍有著罪咎與羞辱感的殘渣 它們是更難以渡過的

就像心頭上的污斑一樣 除非我們能克服它們的各種面向 否則它們將留存不去


因為它們很難以瞭解 並且糾結在我們的身體、情緒體與靈性體的過往歷史之中

The more the energy shifts open our hearts to the divinity of who we are, the more we become aware of the darker, denser energies we carry. And we see the connections those energies have to our limitations, unhappiness and frustration. Some of these are easy to let go of because we can detach from the experiences that come with them. Learning to not take others’ behavior personally makes it easier to release betrayal and disappointment. We can even let go of abandonment issues when we understand that others love and give to us from their own limited resources. But these emotions have a residue of guilt and shame that is much harder to process and remains with us, like a stain on our heart, until we are able to work through their personal aspects. Guilt and shame are two of the most challenging emotions because they are difficult to understand and are intertwined in our physical, emotional and spiritual history.





當我們的生命迴旋出控制之外時 我們的恐懼如此地強烈



因為我們相信自己可以做得更好 可以防範失序發生


難怪我們會感到沮喪 並且沒辦法做任何改變

We carry guilt over things that we have or have not done or said, actions we have not taken or opportunities we let slip by. When our life spirals out of control our fear is strong but it is overshadowed by the guilt we feel at having let things get to this point. We punish ourselves through our guilt because we believe we could have done better and prevented this from happening. Add to that the feelings of having let ourselves and perhaps others down, no wonder we get depressed and are unable to make any changes.




譬如「我們始終都在永恆的地獄之路上 因為我們不值得與上帝直接溝通」




因此 罪咎感成為我們行動的理由

我們並不以『渴望』來行動 而以「取悅別人或不讓別人失望」來行動

Those of us who suffered through the teachings of the catholic church were fed a steady diet of guilt that included our path of eternal damnation because we are unworthy of direct communication with God. Our parents may have used guilt to get us to clean our dinner plate (there are starving children in Africa ), to behave (it would hurt our mother if we embarrassed the family), and to follow the career path they thought was best for us (how proud they would be if we became a doctor or lawyer). So guilt became the reason we acted, not because we were going towards what we wanted, but because we did not want to be the reason for others’ unhappiness or disappointment.



多少次我們說「好的!」但我們事實上是「不」的意思 只因為我們想要避開罪咎感 想要避免讓別人受傷?

多少次我們扛下道義 只因我們想要避開自私自利的罪咎感


其一來自於要求的那一方 其二來自於無法自我滿足的憤怒

罪咎是我們可以克服的惱人情緒 只要我們能想起在生命中我們始終持有著選擇權與行動權

How many times do we say ‘yes’ when we really mean ‘no’, only because we want to avoid feeling guilty about hurting someone’s feelings? How often do we take on an obligation because we want to avoid feeling guilty about being selfish and doing something that serves us? So often we say yes and then have double guilt. There is guilt from the person who asked and self guilt from our resentment at not meeting our needs. Guilt is a bothersome and annoying emotion that we can overcome when we remember that we hold the power of choice and action in our life.



罪咎更是個摧毀性的情緒 因為它從內在散放出來





而在那核心中 罪咎通常都與掌控有關 羞辱通常與毀滅有關

我們受辱的經驗致使我們感受到自己不夠好 不夠正確 或不夠值得

於是當我們在某些事物上感到失敗時 我們便羞辱自己


Shame is an even more destructive emotion because it emanates from within us, from a core of unworthiness that defines how we perceive ourselves. This core feeling spreads to every area of our life, setting our energetic vibrations at such a low level that we feel undeserving at every turn. The person who shames us does so from their own core of shame and where guilt is often about manipulation, shame is about destruction. Our experience of being shamed leads to feelings of not being enough, good enough, right, or worthy. And we shame ourselves when we believe we have failed at something, not realizing that the shame is responsible for the failure. 




那些潛藏在底部的 現在都浮現出來讓我們去檢視了


現在 我們準備好要去面對那些「自我防衛」、「自我毀滅」的行為



As we are processing larger and larger volumes of energy now, what has been lurking at the bottom of the barrel is now coming up for our review. We have already processed the easier energies, now we are prepared for these, which are the foundation of all our self defeating, self sabotaging behavior. It does not matter how much guilt or shame we have, all of it is destructive and challenging.














Any time we feel taken advantage of, misused, abused or manipulated, guilt and shame are present in some form. If fear of success or failure plagues you, what guilt or shame do you have that is preventing you from realizing your true potential? How do we heal and release them? That is our key to freedom. Everywhere we are stuck is an area where we need to look for guilt or shame. And this is where we lose access to life’s blessings because they prevent us from being fully connected to ourselves, pursuing our dreams and believing that we deserve to live, love, have joy and success and create fulfillment.



當罪咎與羞恥感在生命中浮現時 好好地看看它們從何而來?

有誰參與其中? 它們有什麼訊息要帶給你?

並提醒你是值得的 就像創造者的神聖火光一樣 值得每一樣你的心所渴望的

並且任罪咎與羞辱感流出你的生命 而以愛來取代

為了你自己 為了你的夢想 你的奇蹟、喜悅與豐盛


When guilt and shame arise in your life, take a good look at where they came from, who is involved, what messages they have for you and then remind yourself that you are worthy, as a divine spark of Creator, of everything your heart desires and let guilt and shame flow out of your life, to be replaced with love for yourself, for your dreams, miracles and the joy and abundance that are your divine birthright.


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